Global Sports Relations

Scholarship Committed! – Oran O’Callaghan

March 22, 2018
Category: Blog

Can you tell us a bit about your academic and sporting background and why you decided on heading to the USA on a scholarship?

I currently am in my last year of secondary school studying for my A Levels. I have played soccer and Gaelic football since no age, and I’ve taken up other sports such as cross-country, hurling and boxing in the past. I never actually heard of players from Ireland going to college in the US to play soccer until news about GSR trial in Dublin last year came about. It immediately caught my interest and sounded a bit too good to be true! I decide to pursue to try and get a scholarship because its really a once in a lifetime opportunity and I couldn’t think of anything better, to be honest.

How did you find the GSR Scholarship process?

I was impressed with how professional and well set up the whole process is, from the trials right through to general communication between the staff and their clients. Would definitely recommend GSR to anyone looking to head to the States to play soccer. Its very one-to-one and the staff make sure you are aware of everything that is happening.

Why did you decide to choose your scholarship deal over the other offers?

I chose Young Harris College which was just an offer I couldn’t refuse. They are ranked 12th nationally and compete for national championships every year! I got other great offers but Young Harris ticked all the boxes.

What advice would you give someone thinking about signing up/ going through the Scholarship process?

In the GSR matches have confidence and express yourself. Get on the ball as much as possible because it’s an opportunity to promote yourself to coaches across the US.

What are you looking forward to most about going to America?

I’m definitely looking forward to the overall experience. I’m excited to test myself in the soccer to see how good I can be in a professional environment playing alongside ex-academy players. The weather I look forward too as well!

What are your plans now in terms of getting ready for America?

At the moment I am working on getting the check-list complete (getting the visa sorted etc.) I’m also focusing on finishing my A-Levels this year so that’ll keep me busy for a while! And I’m doing as much research on the college that I’m going to just to get a feel of what to expect.

How do you think you’ll handle being a full-time student-athlete?

I am preparing myself to make sure I can handle it and so I’m not lagging behind when I start. I’ve been doing extra solo training sessions and gym work to make sure I’m in peak condition come pre-season. Practise, practise, practise till August!

Do you have any goals and ambitions for America?

Since signing with a college, my goals have definitely changed! I now want to win a national championship within the four years that I’m there. I also want to try and play soccer in the summer over there, in the PDL.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Tough question! I’m not too sure, to be honest, I’ll take every year as it comes and see what happens. If you would like to follow Oran and head to America on a Scholarship, then apply today! [button type=”primary” size=”lg” link=””] APPLY NOW [/button]