Global Sports Relations

Reis Planson – Scholarship Deal Signed!

May 23, 2018
Category: Blog
Reis Planson recently signed his scholarship deal to Texas Coastal Bend. Reis took some time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions on how he found the GSR scholarship process and what he looks forward to most about life in America.

Can you tell us a bit about your academic and sporting background and why you decided on heading to the USA on a scholarship?

I decided from a very young age that I’d always wanted to go to the USA and study and that England did not interest me in terms of further education and opportunities – I wanted something different. Plus I’d always had a dream of going to the USA and crossing the expansive country! Overall its such a great place with so many opportunities!

How did you find the GSR scholarship process?

In terms of work, and giving advice to any people wishing to join it is a lot of hard work. Revising for SAT’s, exercising a lot, its all part of the process; not just kicking a ball once every few months. The process of GSR has been very helpful. Overall I’d say go for it because its a once in a lifetime potential and the memories will be phenomenal.

Why did you decide to choose your scholarship deal over the other offers?

I chose this university because it has a very good level of soccer, a good level of academics, and a very good price. It was also down to the fact its very close to home as my family live a few hours away.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about signing up?

Although it is worthwhile, you cannot sign up half-hearted. I signed up knowing I’d wanted to play soccer in America for years now, and I knew this was my opportunity. GSR is great but does not sign up if you are not willing to put in the work, get to the grind, and find the passion to push harder.

What are you looking forward to most about going to America?

Overall I cannot wait to get my boots on and have a kick-a-bout with my new teammates, have dinner with them and get to know them. I’m looking forward to the blend of cultures and playing styles in the team and also the university as a whole. Also, the new town looks so amazing in a nice all-American cosy way, and the state is close to home so it’s exciting!

What are your plans now in terms of getting ready for America?

Right now it’s hanging out with friends and spending as much time with my family as I can before I leave for the USA.

How do you think you’ll handle being a full-time student-athlete?

I’m going to do very well I hope. I’m ready to give my all when I go!

Do you have any goals and ambitions for America?

The main goal would be to one day play professional soccer in the NASL, USL, MLS leagues, but even if I were not to make it I still gain a degree, and I still have the experience of training and playing as though I were professional. The memories will be worth it alone!

Finally, where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I would love to see myself playing NASL football, but if not I would maybe be doing other things within the football industry. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship then get in touch with us today! [button type=”primary” size=”lg” link=””] APPLY NOW [/button]