Global Sports Relations

Alessandro Salvati Signs To Missouri Valley College

May 29, 2018
Category: Blog
Congratulations to Alessandro Salvati who’s signed his scholarship deal to Missouri Valley College. Missouri Valley were NAIA runners-up and Alessandro will certainly add to what’s already a competitive squad. Thanks to Alessandro for answering some questions on his scholarship experience so far.

Can you tell us a bit about your academic and sporting background and why you decided on heading to the USA on a scholarship?

Since a young age I’ve always wanted to become a footballer, and when I found out about America and the opportunities it has to offer; the combination of full-time football and education, I knew it was something I wanted to pursue. I feel England doesn’t offer opportunities for me that America can. I’ve always wanted to travel to America and being able to become a student-athlete is something I would love to do. I am currently studying my A-levels at a grammar school, which it is from here I decided that further education in England is something I didn’t want to pursue.

How did you find the GSR scholarship process?

The process was not what I thought it would be – it was difficult but worth it. I know I couldn’t of done this without the help of the amazing GSR staff, especially Simone Enrici.

Why did you decide to choose your scholarship deal over the other offers?

I decided to choose Missouri Valley because not only is it a very good soccer team but also because it has a good level of academics and was a good price which suited my family and I.

What advice would you give To someone thinking about signing up?

My advice would be that if you know that you will work your hardest and not give up no matter what, go ahead and follow your dreams.

What are you looking forward to most about going to America?

I am looking forward mostly to putting on my boots and showing my new teammates and coaches my style of play.

What are your plans now in terms of getting ready for America?

My plans now are to carry on keeping my fitness levels up and to spend as much time with my family and friends before I leave.

How do you think you’ll handle being a full-time student-athlete?

I think I’ll be alright because right now I am playing football 5 times a week while being in full-time education, so nothing I’m not too familiar with! I am going to give my all no matter what.

Do you have any goals and ambitions for America?

My goals and ambitions in America would be to one day play professionally in leagues such as the USL or MLS. However, if not, I would’ve still had the amazing experience and also have a degree.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I would like to see myself playing professionally whether it is in America or not, but otherwise, a career in the football industry. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship then get in touch with us today! [button type=”primary” size=”lg” link=””] APPLY NOW [/button]