Global Sports Relations Privacy Policy

Global Sports Relations Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 04/02/24


Welcome to Global Sports Relations, a pioneering platform dedicated to identifying and nurturing sports talent. Our mission is to facilitate young athletes’ journeys towards achieving access to prestigious university scholarships, thereby unlocking new educational and professional horizons. In this digital age, safeguarding our users’ privacy, particularly minors, is at the core of our operations. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to protect personal information and ensure transparency in our data handling practices, in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data Collection Practices

Personal Information We Collect:

  • Identifiable Information: Name, date of birth (for age verification), contact information (including email addresses and phone numbers).
  • Performance and Academic Data: Sports-related achievements, academic grades, and records essential for talent assessment and scholarship applications.
  • Technical Data: IP addresses, browser types, and cookie data to enhance website functionality and user experience.

Methods of Data Collection:

  • Direct Submissions: Information provided by users through filling out forms on our website or at events.
  • Third-Party Sources: Collaborations with sports clubs, educational institutions, and other partners.
  • Automated Technologies: Use of cookies and similar technologies to collect information about website usage and preferences.


Use of Personal Data

We utilize the collected data to:

  • Conduct thorough talent assessments, matching young athletes with appropriate scholarship opportunities.
  • Process scholarship applications, including verifying eligibility and coordinating with educational institutions.
  • Facilitate communication between athletes, parents, coaches, and scholarship providers.
  • Enhance our services through data analysis, utilizing automated systems for efficient decision-making and personalized marketing strategies.


Data Sharing and Disclosure

We may share personal data with:

  • Educational Institutions: To facilitate scholarship applications.
  • Sports Organizations: For talent promotion and participation in events.
  • Service Providers: Third parties that support our operations, under strict data processing agreements.


Data disclosure will occur only under these circumstances:

  • Legal Obligations: Where required by law.
  • Child’s Interests: When necessary to protect the interests of the child, such as in emergency situations.
  • Consensual Sharing: With entities agreed upon by the user or their guardians.

In addition to sharing personal data with educational institutions, sports organizations, and service providers as previously outlined, Global Sports Relations is part of the Animo Collective Group, a family of companies united in our aim to support athletes in improving and showcasing their talents. As such, we may share personal data within the Animo Collective Group and its subsidiaries for purposes that directly align with our mission. This collaboration enables us to enhance the services we provide and offer a wider array of opportunities to the athletes we support. All data sharing within the group is conducted in strict adherence to GDPR principles, ensuring the highest level of privacy and data protection.


Data Transfer

While our operations are primarily within the EU/UK, some activities may require accessing data from other countries. In such instances, we ensure that:

  • Data protection measures equivalent to those of the GDPR are in place.
  • Transfers are conducted securely, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of personal data.


Data Rights

Under GDPR, users are entitled to:

  • Access: Request a copy of personal data held by us.
  • Rectification: Correct inaccuracies in their data.
  • Erasure: Request deletion of their data (“right to be forgotten”).
  • Restriction: Limit how we use their data.
  • Portability: Receive a copy of their data in a machine-readable format.
  • Objection: Oppose certain uses of their data, especially for marketing.

To exercise these rights, users should contact us directly at the provided contact information.


Data Security

We implement state-of-the-art security measures, including:

  • Encryption: To protect data in transit and at rest.
  • Access Controls: Strictly limiting access to personal data to authorized personnel.
  • Regular Audits: Ensuring compliance with our security policies and identifying potential improvements.


Our commitment to data security extends across the entire Animo Collective Group, employing robust measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular audits to safeguard personal data. The collective uses unified systems that are designed to protect information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction, maintaining our high standards of data security.


Data Retention

Our data retention policy ensures that personal data is not kept longer than necessary. The criteria for determining the retention period include:

  • Legal Requirements: Compliance with laws and regulations.
  • Purpose Fulfillment: The duration for which data is needed to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.


Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our website employs cookies and tracking technologies for:

  • Functionality: Ensuring the website operates correctly.
  • Analytics: Understanding how our website is used to improve user experience.
  • Marketing: Tailoring advertisements to users’ interests.

Users can manage their cookie preferences through their browser settings, although this may affect their experience on our site.


Policy Updates

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy. Users will be notified of significant changes through email and updates on our website.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or any privacy-related concerns, please contact us at [email protected].

For any inquiries regarding our privacy practices or if you have privacy-related concerns, including matters related to data shared within the Animo Collective Group, please reach out to us at [email protected]. This centralized contact point ensures efficient handling of your queries and requests, reinforcing our commitment to transparency and user support.


Version: 1.0